Our Full Service Mobile Locksmiths Provide Quality Work At A Great Price!

Emergency Services
We respond quickly to Auto Lockouts, Building Lockouts and Emergency repairs. Accidents happen and we know you want them resolved fast so you can move on with your day!

We rekey, install and repair all manner of residential locks. This includes everything from the typical key-in-knob locks, to deadbolts, 3 point latching devices and much more.
We rekey, install and repair all of your typical knobs, levers and deadbolts, but we also work with Detex alarm locks, exit devices, Trident and other multiple latching devices, door closers, intercom systems and much more. We also create and maintain MasterKey systems.
Residential Complexes
We create and maintain Masterkey Systems and respond quickly to calls for service so building managers can keep their buildings running smoothly and keep their units occupied.
Interested in browsing some products? Here are a few links to some of the more common brands. Choose what you want, we’ll order it and install it!
Looking for something else? Contact us and we’ll find exactly what you need!